Breaking News
Monday 19 November 2012

Info Post

Can't smile because of stress, problems or fights? You need to make up or relax a little bit and smile. Why? Smile is very healthy to the body. If you don't know or don't have a reason to smile, then, I can at least give you 10 reasons why you should smile.

  1. Smiling make us attractive. - Do you ever found someone attractive if he/she is too grumpy? Then you should at least put yourself into that person and that person into you. Will he/she find you attractive if your face can't be distinguish if you are just like that or in a bad mood? The thought is this, you should always smile to be approachable for people and you might even find a friend or a lover.
  2. Smiling changes our mood. - Do you ever wonder why our friends make us smile when we are in a bad mood? We smile especially when we are in a good mood, if you fake out that smile, our brain respond to that physical acting in your facial expression and can change your mood. It is pretty true.
  3. Smiling is contagious. - A jolly person can make other people smile just by showing that smiling face to everyone. Smile and the world will smile back, well that happen most of the time. To prove this, try smiling to the person right next to you,it should be a stranger, almost every time, they will smile back, this is because, every person wants to be happy and a smile is the first factor to break barriers.
  4. Smiling relieves stress. - Researchers finding says that smiling during brief period of stress may actually help reduce body's stress response, regardless of whether the person actually feels happy or not.
  5. Smiling boosts immune system. - If smiling can relieve your stress, then your immune system too! Smiling can make your body relax that contributes to good health and a stronger immune system. I know people who always smile and is still healthy despite the environment today.
  6. Smiling lowers your blood pressure. - Really, it is just like at number four and five, its very healthy you know. :D
  7. Smiling releases endorphin and natural pain killers and serotonin. -Smiling can make you feel good and  be good.
  8. Smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger. - When a person smile, there are 53 muscle that moves including the muscle in your face. Exercised muscle means, firm and healthy muscle that results to make you look younger.
  9. Smiling make you seem successful. - Do you look at successful people? They always smile despite being busy right? Because they have the means. So, even if you don't have the means yet, smile, someday you'll have them. :D
  10. Smile helps you stay positive. - This is my favorite part. Why? if I am on my best or positive mood, it feels like, I can almost do anything at school, at work or even at home. It makes me feel good and energetic and wants to live more to feel that happiness. Even if problem arises, just by being positive, it helps me to solve those problems easily.

There will always be a person next to you that will smile. The whole world smile and there are multiple factor and benefits that smiling can give. Good health, positive attitude, and more. So you have to smile, don't be left out. If the whole world smile, then smile too, don't get left behind by staying grumpy or frowning all the time.


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